Marguerite Monnot

Marguerite Monnot was a French songwriter and composer best known for having written many of the songs performed by dith Piaf and for the music in the stage musical Irma La Douce.

Marguerite Monnot was born in Decize, Nivre, a small city on the Loire River. Her father, Gabriel Monnot, who had lost his sight at the age of three, was a musician and composer of religious music. He was the organist at the SaintAr church in Decize and gave piano and harmonium lessons. Monnots mother, Marie, also gave music lessons and was a teacher of French literature and a writer. Every evening, pupils and friends gathered in their home to play and sing, and the Monnots sometimes invited wellknown musicians to join them. Marguerite thus grew up in an atmosphere of music. She rarely attended school her mother taught her at home, she was tutored in music by her father, and she practiced piano several hours a day.

Source: Wikipedia